
The Woman Angler & Adventurer Podcast: Menstrual Cycles Outdoors

The Woman Angler & Adventurer Podcast: Menstrual Cycles Outdoors

You can comfortably get out and perform in your sport or hobby while on your period. Take these tips!

Feel Good Nakd Podcast: Using Your Cycle for Sports + Fitness

Feel Good Nakd Podcast: Using Your Cycle for Sports + Fitness

Use your cycle as a tool for your fitness and sports goals!

Tips to Feel Empowered at the Doctor's Office

Tips to Feel Empowered at the Doctor's Office

Listen to this podcast episode for tons of body-related wisdom you can take away to feel better in your reproductive health experiences!

What is the Fertile Window?

What is the Fertile Window?

The fertile window takes into account the presence of cervical fluid and confirmation of ovulation so you can narrow down which days you could potentially conceive.

Outdoor Minimalist Podcast: Periods and Peeing in the Backcountry

Outdoor Minimalist Podcast: Periods and Peeing in the Backcountry

This podcast covers periods, peeing and comfort while hiking, camping and backpacking with minimal impact on the environment.

Your Partner's Cyclical Guide to Love Languages

Your Partner's Cyclical Guide to Love Languages

If your partner can’t seem to get a handle on your cycle phases and inner seasons, show them this chart to help them learn how to best support you throughout your cycle!

Conception Channel Podcast Episode

Conception Channel Podcast Episode

We chat about fertility awareness for conception, cycle syncing your life and giving yourself permission to listen to your body.

Feel Good Nakd Podcast: How to Reclaim Your Body + Life through Your Cycle

Feel Good Nakd Podcast: How to Reclaim Your Body + Life through Your Cycle

We chat about how we can feel better through movement, food and mindset through the lens of our menstrual cycles.

The Whitewater Athlete's Guide to Menstrual Cycles

The Whitewater Athlete's Guide to Menstrual Cycles

As a boater, you appreciate the dynamic nature of a river. But do you ever consider the flow of your hormones and how they reflect in your sport?

How Travel Could Affect Your Period

How Travel Could Affect Your Period

Even your relaxing, sunny beach destination can mess with your cycle. Find out how and ways to minimize discomfort and maximize vacation stoke!

The Inner Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

The Inner Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is composed of four phases, each phase lending itself to a way of living that optimizes how you feel and perform. When you can work with your physiology to identify your needs and desires for that day and week— rather than expecting them to be unchanging— you can move, eat work and play in a way that feels happier, healthier and easier!