missing period

How Travel Could Affect Your Period

How Travel Could Affect Your Period

Even your relaxing, sunny beach destination can mess with your cycle. Find out how and ways to minimize discomfort and maximize vacation stoke!

7 Types of Potentially Problematic Spotting

7 Types of Potentially Problematic Spotting

Everyone gets spotting from time to time, but if you haven’t learned much about your cycle, you may be confused about what is normal. Find out what types of spotting could be an issue, so you know when to get checked out.

7 Types of Normal Spotting

7 Types of Normal Spotting

Everyone gets spotting from time to time, but if you haven’t learned much about your cycle, you may be confused on what is normal. Find out what types of spotting are normal and what causes them.

3 Signs that Stress is Messing with Your Period

3 Signs that Stress is Messing with Your Period

Physical and mental stress can change your period— or even make it go away completely.