
Tips to Feel Empowered at the Doctor's Office

Tips to Feel Empowered at the Doctor's Office

Listen to this podcast episode for tons of body-related wisdom you can take away to feel better in your reproductive health experiences!

Outdoor Minimalist Podcast: Periods and Peeing in the Backcountry

Outdoor Minimalist Podcast: Periods and Peeing in the Backcountry

This podcast covers periods, peeing and comfort while hiking, camping and backpacking with minimal impact on the environment.

4 Signs of Low Progesterone You Can See on Your Chart

4 Signs of Low Progesterone You Can See on Your Chart

These fertility awareness clues give you great data to bring to your healthcare provider when your PMS symptoms get the best of you.

7 Types of Potentially Problematic Spotting

7 Types of Potentially Problematic Spotting

Everyone gets spotting from time to time, but if you haven’t learned much about your cycle, you may be confused about what is normal. Find out what types of spotting could be an issue, so you know when to get checked out.

7 Types of Normal Spotting

7 Types of Normal Spotting

Everyone gets spotting from time to time, but if you haven’t learned much about your cycle, you may be confused on what is normal. Find out what types of spotting are normal and what causes them.

Tips for Flying While on Your Period

Tips for Flying While on Your Period

Nervous about traveling on your period? With just a bit of preparation, you can have period peace of mind even as you endure the cramped legroom, teeny snacks and luggage fiascos.

What Consistency Should My Period Be?

What Consistency Should My Period Be?

Period consistency may be a bit trickier to notice than color. But you can easily learn to decode which textures are healthy— and what might a sign of an issue.

What Your Period Color is Trying to Tell You

What Your Period Color is Trying to Tell You

Of all the characteristics of your period, color might be the easiest to notice… but you don’t always think about it, do you?! There’s a whole spectrum of colors that can clue you into your health.