The Inner Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

Your hormone levels aren’t the same day after day. So, to expect yourself to show up the same way every day with the same mood, energy and motivation is unrealistic!

The menstrual cycle is composed of four phases of changing hormone levels, and each phase lends itself to a way of living that optimizes how you feel and perform.

When you can work with your physiology to identify your needs and desires for that day and week— rather than expecting them to be unchanging— you can move, eat work and play in a way that feels happier, healthier and easier.

And that, my friends, is the beautiful practice of menstrual cycle awareness.

Why fight your biology when it can be your strongest ally?


I find the best way to teach cycle syncing is to compare the four phases to the four seasons of nature. After all, our bodies evolved to be in tune with nature, and seasons represent balance.

if the 4 phases were the office characters.png

Let’s start with menstruation.

Your period represents inner winter: a necessary time of stillness and reflection.

Just as your body releases its endometrium, your mind wants to release all the "stuff" you've built up in the past cycle. It's the perfect time for rest, reflection and connection to the self.

Respecting the menstrual phase sets the scene for the rest of your cycle. Rest up now so you can kick ass later without burning out!


After your period ends…

The time between your period + ovulation represents inner spring: a playful, higher energy phase.

It can feel like a "reawakening" as you come out of the period cave, motivated and inspired to tackle new projects and experiences. It's a great season to start new things and find time for play!

Inner spring's a fantastic time to set a plan and objectives for the rest of your cycle.


When you’re near ovulation…

The time around ovulation represents inner summer: a kick-butt, energetic, bold part of the cycle.

For many, this is when you can tap into your superhuman energy and get ALLLL the shit done and feel great while doing so!

Inner summer's ideal for connecting with others and tackling the meat of projects.


And before your next period…

The premenstrual week represents inner autumn: a get-shit-done, detail oriented, truth-telling part of the cycle.

This season is undervalued in our society which is a shame since it's SO important! It's the time to harvest your hard work, prune your life and make the decisions you put off the rest of the cycle.

It's also great for digging into what matters. Turns out, a lot of the stuff that bothers you premenstrually ACTUALLY bothers you all cycle long-- but your inner autumn won't let you ignore it anymore.

Wanna learn how to use all four seasons to your advantage?

Download your free guide to cycle syncing!


The Beginner's Guide to Cycle Syncing

Learn to avoid burnout, make progress on goals and tap into your amazing potential-- all by tuning into your cycle! Let your fertility lead you to success by subscribing below.

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    How do you notice the differences between your inner seasons? How do you personally acknowledge and respect the needs of each phase?